A blog for performing arts students.
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To Thine Own Self Be True
The Truth. Truth is really tough. We’ve been talking a lot recently about what is true, what is a fact and what is not, and how to tell the two apart. Social media increasingly asks us to question ideas about what is “true.” Uncountable ads and endless media images tell us what to think about ourselves, others, the world… the list (and the scrolling) is endless. The antidote? Some healthy subjectivity.
Self Tapes: How to Showcase Your Best Work on Camera
During 2020, everything we knew changed—including how we audition. Luckily, with the invention of ring lights and iPhones, paired with blank walls and preparation, we continue our careers with virtual auditions and self tapes.
Prioritizing your Physical and Mental Health in the Theatre World
The first quarter of my freshman year at Northwestern went perfectly. I auditioned at generals the first week, and was cast as the lead in one of the biggest musicals on campus. I was accepted into the Musical Theatre Certificate program a few weeks later. I got into my top choice student theatre board, and an awesome performance group. I made tons of friends through all of these extracurriculars, and I already felt like I belonged.
Vocal Care: It’s More Than Just Drinking Water
It’s that time of year…Depending on where you live, you could be experiencing weather changes, allergies, or it’s just dry. But one thing is for certain, audition season is here and you are stressed. Then it happens... you wake up with a cold and no voice or you’ve been rehearsing all week and now you’re hoarse or physically and/or vocally fatigued. Don’t freak out… there are things you can do to get your voice back into shape.
2020 Holiday Gift Ideas For Performing Artists
Finding the perfect gift for the performer in your life will undoubtedly be a little tougher this year. We’ve compiled some great ideas to keep them motivated, inspired and working on their craft even while theatre is dark for the time being. These are all gifts they can take advantage of safely and happily from the comfort of their home!
Zoom Auditions: The Technical Guide to Audition-Ready Audio
The ultimate "how-to" for setting up your Zoom audio for auditions and more.
How To Handle Prescreen Rejections
At MCA, we have a hard, tried and true 24-Hour Prescreen rule. We have a 4 step process of what to do when you don’t pass a prescreen and I’d strongly encourage you to adopt this for yourselves. Here are the steps:
Digital Auditions & Avoiding “Zoom-Land”
This season is different, but we want to make sure you are just as prepared to ace your audition digital as you would be in person.
Yours in Solidarity
In support of a world, a theatre, and a classroom that reflects ALL of the American experience.
Expressing Gratitude
I am a firm believer that, in this business especially, karma plays a huge part. So let’s practice that attitude of gratitude. Let’s share the applause and the accolades with the people who are “backstage” because they deserve it just as much as you!
We have to do better.
At our core, My College Audition exists to make each of our students’ unique voices heard. We stand against the unequal treatment of Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) and work to be actively anti-racist in every decision we make. We advocate for and build a community that is inclusive and proactive in learning from and listening to all perspectives by acknowledging experiences.
Well, now what? Navigating college auditions during a pandemic.
Things are going to be different. We know this. But just how deeply will this impact college auditions?
Making Your Final School Decision (Relatively) Stress-Free
You did it! Your auditions were a success! Now there are multiple schools that want you to be a part of their program! It’s everything you could have hoped for. There is just one tiny problem… you can’t decide which school to choose.
What kind of artist do you want to be?
Explore top ways to develop your vision, mission statement and overall direction as an artist with coach Erica Spyres
Creative Coping for Musical Theatre Students Amidst COVID-19
Suggestions on ways to stay creative, productive and motivated during a time of uncertainty for musical theatre students of all ages.
An Unpopular Opinion: It Doesn’t Matter Where You Go To School
You’ve read the articles, I imagine. You probably know that many Tony winners and Broadway stars didn’t go to one of these “top ten” schools that you find upon googling or that many went to a traditional Liberal Arts school to broaden their horizons as a human.
The Waiting Game
The do's and don'ts for the waiting period after college audition season.
Start your college audition journey!