A blog for performing arts students.
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Gift of the Gap - Why Performing Artists Should Consider a Gap Year
Students who hope to gain an undergraduate degree in Musical Theatre and Acting are, essentially, completing two college admissions processes. You can, and should, consider what these Seniors do as a part time job on top of their senior year commitments.
Making Your Final School Decision (Relatively) Stress-Free
You did it! Your auditions were a success! Now there are multiple schools that want you to be a part of their program! It’s everything you could have hoped for. There is just one tiny problem… you can’t decide which school to choose.
An Unpopular Opinion: It Doesn’t Matter Where You Go To School
You’ve read the articles, I imagine. You probably know that many Tony winners and Broadway stars didn’t go to one of these “top ten” schools that you find upon googling or that many went to a traditional Liberal Arts school to broaden their horizons as a human.
The Waiting Game
The do's and don'ts for the waiting period after college audition season.
Stress Management
Does this inner monologue sound familiar? Stress is one of the biggest components of one’s life. We all experience and feel stress in different ways. However, many times, what we are calling stress is actually other emotions such as fear...

Start your college audition journey!