MCA Class of 2018The Class of 2018 will be joining MCA alumni at schools all over the nation, chasing their dreams and making it happen. We couldn’t be more proud!Want to join our next class? Learn more THE HARTT SCHOOLAbby Marcus(Acting) CCPA AT ROOSEVELTAlec Shiman(Musical Theatre) BALDWIN WALLACEAmelia Beckham(Musical Theatre) BELMONT UNIVERSITYAndrew Bassett(Acting) POINT PARK UNIVERSITYAndrew Zabetakis(Musical Theatre) NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITYAnnie Huycke(Musical Theatre) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANAtticus Olivet(Acting) EMERSON COLLEGEBrigit O'Malley(Acting) SYRACUSE UNIVERSITYBrooke Steuckrath(Musical Theatre) PENN STATECatherine Bennis(Acting) WAGNER COLLEGECatherine Sapovits(Theatre Performance) NYU STEINHARDTCeleste Vandermillen(Musical Theatre) USCCharlotte Galbreath(Acting) CCMChesney Mitchell(Musical Theatre) MARYMOUNT MANHATTANChrista LeBlanc(Acting) SYRACUSE UNIVERSITYChristina DiMare(Musical Theatre) JAMES MADISONColie Vancura(Musical Theatre) JAMES MADISONConnor Macchi(Musical Theatre) CALARTSConnor McGeoghegan(Acting) PENN STATECorryn Castello(Minor Theatre) USCDaniel Murphy(Acting) WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITYEliana Taub(Musical Theatre) SUNY PURCHASEElijah Lawrence(Acting) MANHATTAN SCHOOL OF MUSICElla Faria(Musical Theatre) PENN STATEEllie Murphy(Communications/THTR) WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITYEmma Metzger(Musical Theatre) CCPA AT ROOSEVELTEmma Murphy(Musical Theatre) INDIANA UNIVERSITYGreta Kernkamp(Musical Theatre) UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTSHallie Malina(Musical Theatre) BOSTON CONSERVATORYJack Manning(Musical Theatre) SAM HOUSTON STATEJackera Davis(Musical Theatre) PACE UNIVERSITYJamie Mayers(Acting) AZUZA PACIFICJenna Catto(Film Acting) CONNECTICUT COLLEGEJillian Rothman(Theatre/Dance) UNIVERSITY OF VERMONTJordan Officer(Theatre) SUNY BUFFALOJulia Damatin(Musical Theatre) BERKLEE COLLEGE OF MUSICJuliet Cable(Professional Music) CHAPMAN UNIVERSITYKallie Pong(Acting) BOSTON CONSERVATORYKaylee Perry(Musical Theatre) BERKLEE COLLEGE OF MUSICKatie Roeder(Vocal Performance) BALDWIN WALLACEKyle Clark(Musical Theatre) FLORIDA SOUTHERNLaura McKenna(Musical Theatre) SUNY BUFFALOLauren Masterpolo(Musical Theatre) OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITYKiera McGovern(Dance) CCPA AT ROOSEVELTLynsy Folckomer(Acting) UNIVERSITY OF TAMPAMaddy Wendell(Musical Theatre) TULANE UNIVERSITYMadison Jones(Musical Theatre) PACE UNIVERSITYLily Potarf(FTVC Acting) SHENANDOAH CONSERVATORYMcKenna Waldron(Musical Theatre) USCMichael Gorman(Acting) NYU TISCHNatalya Ribovich(Acting) BOSTON CONSERVATORYMargaret McFadden(Musical Theatre) OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITYNichole Gould(Music) MUHLENBERG COLLEGENicole Gardner(Musical Theatre) EMERSON COLLEGEOlivia Bodley(Musical Theatre) EMERSON COLLEGENekhebet Juch(Theatre Performance) UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDAPayton Soehn(Acting) WAGNER COLLEGEReece DeGraff(Theatre Performance) LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITYRenee Hamilton(Musical Theatre) WILLIAMS COLLEGEOlivia Graceffa(Theatre) USCRuby Marker(Acting) MONTCLAIR STATE Sadie Goodman(Musical Theatre) COLUMBIA COLLEGE CHICAGOSam Pellegrino(Acting) INDIANA UNIVERSITYRobbie Russo(Musical Theatre) UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTSSamantha Kaufman(Musical Theatre) CCMSamuel Cohen(Musical Theatre) SUNY CORTLANDSarah VonEgypt(Musical Theatre) RIDER UNIVERSITYSamantha Cassidy(Musical Theatre) UCLASiena Mehta(Musical Theatre) BELMONT UNIVERSITYSydney Lofton(Acting) BERKLEE COLLEGE OF MUSICTess Herschman(Vocal Performance) EMERSON COLLEGEShannon Booth(Acting) SHENANDOAH CONSERVATORYTroy Wheeler(Musical Theatre) JAMES MADISONVictoria Cargill(Musical Theatre) UNIVERSITY OF UTAHVictoria Wolfe(Acting) MARYMOUNT MANHATTANTira O'Connell(Musical Theatre) PACE UNIVERSITYZach Robbins(Musical Theatre) See more final decisions!